Lorraine 2nd Child
            I was born July 6, 1955 in Pompano Beach, Florida. My parents are Willie and Cora Hill. They are also the parents of nine other children, thirty-four grandchildren, and great grandchildren.
            Coming from such a large family gave me wonderful memories of my childhood, Each year held new occasions to get together. Every occasion was generally filled with laughter, tears, wonder, fun and expectations of the next event – all which leaves me very thankful to all my family members who steered my life towards a positive path.
            I am sure my past was only the path to my destiny – a destiny surrounded by biblical truths – truths that built values and integrity which is due to grounded principles that were instilled in me by my elders.
            My social awareness is mostly formed by my black culture and rounded by other ethnical groups. My display of confidence is due to my early knowledge of the Creator which forms my destiny. I thrive on order, neatness, professionalism, and giving. I am happy when others around me are blessed with goodness and kindness.
            I began my early adult years working with children. At nineteen years old, I walked into my first child care center. My first thought was that it was too good to be true. I loved the environment and all the new concepts. However, I soon learned that I needed more teaching. I was no aware of the difference between informed and uninformed. My first class was through my employer at the Atlantic Community College. For the next three years my expectations were met with new, challenging demands which weakened my desire. These challenges set my path on an all new course that I soon discovered I was not prepared to take. Nevertheless, this journey demanded I stop and take a second look at the path behind me.
            In 1989 after reviewing that path, I took a second look in the window of tomorrow. Quickly I regained focus and was able to see that the path of yesterday was hard work, long nights and lonely nights for my children. While the window to tomorrow held smiles, laughter and a return of who I really was, as I searched for the path of purpose, I soon remembered that my days of old were my way back.. All of my thoughts of my early years led me back to smiles, kind faces and starry eyers.
            Now with purpose before me and destiny pulling me, the course is set and I am back on track. Once again the feeling of love, laughter and feeling safe overshadows any world, as I give back to others what was so freely given to me. The reassurance of my destiny is in every eye, smile and thank you of those who greet me each day.
            I am currently running my own family child care center and studying to receive my C.D.A. to further my pursuit in my child care center. I am presently located in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma with my wonderful husband and I have been blessed with four children, ages 24, 22, 20 and 16. I am also the proud grandmother of the greatest grandson and the godmother of three beautiful god children.

           Webster’s Dictionary defines professionalism as having a particular profession as a permanent career, the whole body of a person engaged in a calling.
           Webster’s Dictionary defines integrity as the quality or state of being completely honest. The core of one’s inner being while defining image as who people perceive you to be.
            My personal level of integrity is not just to my profession, but to life. It is my number one priority, to strive for high achievement, consistence, and demonstrate in all I do, say and be. My professional integrity is summed up in who I am while my knowledge of my profession is characterized by the technical and ethical activities of my inner being. My inner being ins unique, for within my being is the core of my heartbeat. Each beat illuminates love, neatness, kindness, joy, peace, long-suffering and patience. My purpose still remains sound while my objectives are still to overcome all the hurdles of life, to give back to others what was so freely given to me, to reach beyond the norm and to hold fast to destiny.
            I believe that life has demonstrated the qualities of professionalism in each job of performance while we the individuals demonstrate the uniqueness of our individual hearts. For example, what manner of man is this, that his professionalism is demonstrated in al he does. As a shepherd his skills enable him to find, guide and guard, the very essence of life. As a counselor, his wisdom has crowned his throne of knowledge. As teacher, he masters the highest rank of education. His words are statues of God. As a scientist, he established biology and chemistry, and sustains every molecule of life. Hist ability as a physician allows him to heal every case and give life eternal. His profession as a lawyer gives him the supreme right to judge and set free. As an artist, he is concerned about every detail of life. As a carpenter he himself is the foundation of righteousness. As a laborer, he beautifies the workmanship of his words. As a musician, he keys on the notes of the heart. As a singer, he harmonizes the creation of life. As a farmer, he feeds the whole world that none should perish. His ability as a fireman weakens the blazing flames and receives life from the pits of hell. Each has his own career to pursue. It is the one call that cries out throughout the land, but only the heart that beats to professionalism will answer the cry with integrity. Only the mand that has integrity in who he really is will last and wash away the false images.
            True professional integrity will last even when the career has vanished.